Effect of Top-spin on Aerodynamic and Trajectory of Volleyball
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This research aims to observe the effect of volleyball’s spin on aerodynamic forces and trajectory of volleyball. Three - dimensional models of the Mikasa MVA 310 and the Molten V5M4000 were constructed using an optical scanner. Thereafter, aerodynamic forces applying to volleyball models were determined from finite element methods. To simulate jump serve, the releasing speed was 71.2 kilometers per hour and the releasing height was set at 3.28 meters. Volleyball models were simulated to have no-spin and topspin, at 5 Hz, respectively. Finally, the computed aerodynamics forces were used for computing flight trajectory of volleyballs.
There were smaller drag forces applying to non-spin volleyballs comparing to the spin volleyballs. Lift force was also applied to non - spin volleyballs. In contrast, there were aerodynamic forces pushing both volleyballs downward when they were released with a topspin. And when simulated the trajectory, the result show than non-spin volleyballs has small releasing angle and flight longer and spin volleyballs has bigger releasing angle and flight shorter to clear the net. This will be the basic data to volleyball player for serving.
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