The Effects of Legs Strength Endurance Muscle Training in Footvolley Players
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The purpose of this research was to study the effect of legs strength endurance training programs in foot volley players. The population were 144 Footvolley players who participated in 2019 National Footvolley Competition. The sample consisted of 16 footvolleys players who were selected by propulsive sampling. After Wingate Testing, the samples were divided into two groups, 8 of them per each. The experimental group and the control group were practiced according to the normal training program for 1 hour, while the experimental group were practiced the leg strength endurance training programs for 1 hour before the normal practicing. Both groups were practiced 3 time per week for 8 weeks. Anaerobic power and fatigue index were tested Before and after 8 weeks training. the Data collection were analyzed by average, standard deviation and comparing the differences of mean within group using the t-test for dependent and comparing the difference of the mean between group using the t-test for independent at the level of statistical significance at .05. The results showed:
- Average of anaerobic power and fatigue index between the experimental group and the control group before training were not significantly difference.
- Average of anaerobic power and fatigue index between the experimental group and the control group after 8 weeks practicing ware significantly different at the .05 level.
- Average of anaerobic power and fatigue index within the experimental group before and after 8 weeks training ware statistically significant difference at .05 level.
- Average of anaerobic power within the experimental group before and after 8 weeks training ware statistically significant difference at .05 level but fatigue index was not different.
In conclusion, the research found that the legs strength endurance training programs can increase legs strength endurance of muscles in foot volley players after 8 weeks of training.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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