Factors Related to Protection Behaviors Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Male Students Mathayom 3 of Rattanakosinsompoch Bangkhunthian School

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Pongsakorn Chaumjam
Alisa Nititham


The purpose of this survey research were to study factors related to sexually transmitted disease prevention behaviors of male students in mathayom 3 students at Rattanakosin Sompoch School, Bangkhuntien. The population were 240 students. Data were collected by using questionnaires. Data were analyzed by using statistic soft were program. Analytical statistic were frequency, percentage mean standard deviation and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

The results of the study showed that internal factors, namely, perceived severity of sexually transmitted diseases. Perceived risk opportunities of sexually transmitted diseases and self-confidence in prevention of sexually transmitted diseases of male students were correlated with sexually transmitted disease prevention behaviors statistical significance at level .05 External factors, such as social support from people within the family, close relatives, medical and public health personnel, and receiving information from various sources correlated with the sexually transmitted disease prevention behaviors statistical significance at level .05

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