Strategic Planning for the Development of a Creative Industrial Village: A Case Study of the Ontai Community, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province


  • Nongkran Chaimuang Faculty of Business Administration, Payap University
  • Sutapat Kongkird Faculty of Business Administration, Payap University
  • Jongrak Sricomnoy Faculty of Business Administration, Payap University


Strategic planning, Creative industrial village, Sustainable development


This academic article aims to summarize knowledge and to be guidelines for community leaders, community enterprises and those interested in strategic planning for developing a creative industrial village. Community needs to focus on reviewing plans and implementing strategic planning to achieve sustainable development of creative industrial villages according to the six strategic planning processes : analysis of the external and internal environment of the community, defining vision and mission, determining factors for success, setting objectives, creating strategic plans, and developing policies. The key objective of strategic planning is to develop a sustainable creative industrial village for creating balance between human development, security, economy, society, environment, and safety. Moreover, hygiene of tourists and community members is the ultimate purpose. For example, the implementation of strategic planning process for the Ontai community. San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province was selected as 1 of 9 pilot communities in the model of creative industrial villages of Thailand.


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How to Cite

Chaimuang, N., Kongkird, S., & Sricomnoy, J. (2021). Strategic Planning for the Development of a Creative Industrial Village: A Case Study of the Ontai Community, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(3), 221–230. retrieved from



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