Project-based Learning to Create Environmentally Literate Citizens through the Course on Population and Environment


  • Chonthicha Rojanasang Faculty of Education and Human Development, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Nhumpung Thaklong Faculty of Education and Human Development, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Wilawan Dansirisuk Faculty of Education and Human Development, Sisaket Rajabhat University


Learning management, Project-based


              This research used qualitative method and the purposes were as follows: 1) To study the current environmental problems through students' perceptions in the course on Population and Environment. 2) To study the integrated learning approach of students in creating environmentally literate citizens through the course on Population and Environment. For the study method, qualitative research was used to collect data through structured interviews and using the project-based learning for field work at school. The sample group was the 59 third-year social studies students at Sisaket Rajabhat University enrolled in the course on Population and Environment in the second semester of the academic year 2022. The complete collected data were analyzed in terms of content and thematic analysis. From the study, it was found that the students had have cognition in current environmental problems such as global warming problem, plastic waste problem, soil resource problem and air pollution problem. The students presented the approaches for various environmental problem solving such as 1) Recycling various materials for maximum benefit 2) Planting trees to replace cut down trees, reforestation, for wildlife habitat 3) Promoting environmental conservation, reforestation, and proper garbage disposal. 4) Economical utilization of resources and 5) Choosing to use good energy and technology for the earth. The section of integrated learning management for students, the sufficiency economy project was created in school. Vegetables are planted for making school students’ lunch. Another project was about garbage sorting in order to provide students with knowledge and awareness of the importance of garbage problem and handling. The waste separation and utilization to reduce the amount of school waste.  After completing both students’ projects, the school has continued the project. The school students have participated in the Sufficiency Economy Project; growing vegetables to eat and sell for making income. The garbage separation section, students have known about garbage and separated them before throwing away, and practicing the good behavior in garbage disposal for students.


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How to Cite

Rojanasang, C., Thaklong, N., & Dansirisuk, W. (2024). Project-based Learning to Create Environmentally Literate Citizens through the Course on Population and Environment. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 18(2), 233–244. Retrieved from



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