The Adaptation Strategies Effect on Business Success of Construction Business in RoiKaenSaraSin Provincial Cluster


  • Akkapol Kumchompoo Faculty of Administrative Science Kalasin University
  • Kornkanok Donsopon Faculty of Administrative Science, Kalasin University
  • Saowaluk Jittimongkon Faculty of Administrative Science Kalasin University


Adaptation Strategies, Business Success, Construction Business


              This research aimed; 1) to test the relationship between the adaptation strategy and the business success of the construction businesses in the RoiKaenSaraSin provincial cluster, 2) to test the relationship between the dimension of adaptation strategy and the business success of the construction businesses in RoiKaenSaraSin provincial cluster, 3) to find out the impact of adaptation strategy on the business success of construction businesses in RoiKaenSaraSin provincial cluster and 4) to find out the impact of adaptation strategy dimension on the business success of construction businesses in RoiKaenSaraSin provincial cluster. The samples were 354 construction business operators in the RoiKaenSaraSin provincial cluster. The data collection tools were questionnaires. The statistics used for data analysis were multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.

              The results of the analysis of the relationship between business adaptation strategy and business success showed that business success had a positive relationship with the adaptation strategy. The adaptation strategy had the highest positive relationship with the in-business success terms of finance, followed by the aspect of human resources management, planning, marketing, and technology management respectively. The results of the analysis of the impact of adaptation strategy on business success showed that the adaptation strategy had the same direction impact on the business success. The impact of adaptation strategy on business success showed that the adaptation strategy in aspects of finance, marketing, human resources management, and planning in the same direction impacts the business success. Technology management did not impact business success. Adaptation strategy was therefore a strategy that business operators should focus on in selecting appropriate strategies to create competitive advantage leading to business success in an environment that was constantly changing.


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How to Cite

Kumchompoo, A., Donsopon, K., & Jittimongkon, S. (2024). The Adaptation Strategies Effect on Business Success of Construction Business in RoiKaenSaraSin Provincial Cluster. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 18(2), 15–29. Retrieved from



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