The Relationship between Customer Relationship Management and Customer Loyalty of Convenience Stores in Bangkok and Vicinity Area


  • Patcharaporn Sukkasem Faculty of Business Administration, Rajapruk University
  • Chattayaporn Samerjai Faculty of Business Administration, Rajapruk University


Customer relationship management


              The purposes of this research were to study 1) customer relationship management of convenience stores in Bangkok and vicinity areas, 2) customer loyalty of convenience stores in Bangkok and vicinity areas, and 3) the relationship between customer management and customer loyalty of convenience stores in Bangkok and vicinity areas. Research instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. Samples were 401 convenience store customers in Bangkok and vicinity areas by stratified random sampling and convenience sampling according to proportion in each area. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.

              The results of the research found that 1) overall customer relationship management of convenience stores was at a high level. Suggesting useful services was first at a very high level, followed by understanding expectations at a very high level. 2) Convenience store customers' overall loyalty was at a high level. Loyalty in terms of purchase intention was first at a very high level, followed by loyalty in word-of-mouth behavior was at a high level. 3) Customer relationship management of convenience stores had a relationship in the same direction convenience store customers' overall loyalty and word-of-mouth behavior were high, while there was a relationship in the same direction with other behavior were at a moderate level. And all aspects of customer relationship management except for recommending useful services were a very high correlation in the same direction as word-of-mouth behavior with statistically significant at the 0.05 level.


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How to Cite

Sukkasem, P., & Samerjai, C. (2024). The Relationship between Customer Relationship Management and Customer Loyalty of Convenience Stores in Bangkok and Vicinity Area. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 18(2), 85–96. Retrieved from



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