A Development of Multimedia Courseware on Educational Innovations Using the Powtoon Program for Students of the Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession Program, Northern College


  • Koranut Ruttanayanyoong Faculty of Education in Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession, Northern College
  • Rabiab Sittichai Faculty of Education in Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession, Northern College
  • Busaba Schmidt Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna


Multimedia development, Powtoon program, Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession


This research aimed to: 1) develop multimedia education innovation using the Powtoon program to achieve effectiveness according to the criterion E1/E2 = 80/80. 2) compare the learning outcomes of students before and after using multimedia education innovation with the Powtoon program. 3) investigate the satisfaction of students towards the educational innovation multimedia using Powtoon program. The sample group consisted of 34 Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession program students at Northern College, semester 2 of academic year 2022, selected through simple random sampling. The instruments used in this research were: 1) A learning plan on educational innovation. 2) Multimedia materials on educational innovation using the Powtoon program. 3) A pre-test and post-test to evaluate learning outcomes. 4) A questionnaire on student’s satisfaction towards learning with multimedia education innovation using the Powtoon program. The research findings indicated that: 1) The effectiveness of multimedia education innovation using the Powtoon program was achieved at 83.68/82.45, according to the specified criterion (E1/E2 = 80/80). 2) Post-learning learning outcomes were higher than pre-learning outcomes with multimedia education innovation using the Powtoon program, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 3) Students' satisfaction towards learning with multimedia educational innovation using the Powtoon program was at the highest level, with an average score of 4.59. Students who learned by using effective multimedia education innovation, Powtoon program, had have higher cognition in developing educational innovation and highest satisfaction towards teaching and learning management.    


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How to Cite

Ruttanayanyoong, K., Sittichai, R., & Schmidt, B. (2024). A Development of Multimedia Courseware on Educational Innovations Using the Powtoon Program for Students of the Graduate Diploma in Teaching Profession Program, Northern College. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 18(2), 143–156. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/273943



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