Developing Proficiency in Reading and Spelling English Words using Phonic Learning Activities Package for Grade 4 Students


  • Charumol Thiwaphat Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University,
  • Saengchan Kalam Faculty of Education, Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Kochaporn Numnapol Faculty of Education, Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Permporn Summart Faculty of Education, Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Umaporn Waiyarat Faculty of Education, Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Reading and spelling english words, Phonics learning activities package, Proficiency in reading and spelling


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the efficiency of the phonic learning activities package for grade 4 students at 75/75. 2) to study the proficiency of reading and spelling. English words by using the phonic learning activities package for grade 4 students that the criteria is every students meet the criteria and average score at 70 percent and 3) to study the satisfaction of students who were taught by using the phonic learning activities package. The research tools used were 1) the phonic learning activities

packages including 3 lessons, 2) the proficiency of reading, and spelling English words test was 20-items-, and 3) the student satisfaction assessment form including 10 questions.

              The research results were as follows:

                   1) The efficiency of the phonic learning activities package for grade 4 students using the phonic learning activities package criterion 75/75, it was found that the phonic learning activities package developed by the researcher was 76.29/77.50 and met the prescript criteria.

                   2) The result of developing the proficiency of reading, and spelling English words. by using the phonic learning activities for grade 4 students found that the average score is 77.50 percent (S.D.= 1.10), which is higher than the prescript criteria, which is 70 percent. 3) The satisfaction of the students who were taught using the phonic learning activities package found that, the satisfaction of students was high satisfy level (  = 4.36, S.D.=0.54)


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How to Cite

Thiwaphat, C., Kalam, S., Numnapol, K., Summart, P., & Waiyarat, U. (2024). Developing Proficiency in Reading and Spelling English Words using Phonic Learning Activities Package for Grade 4 Students . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 18(1), 146–155. retrieved from



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