Development of Learning Activities Using Team Based Learning Model to Encourage the Design Thinking Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


  • Tananya Khamkhum Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Team Based Learning, Design Thinking, Design Thinking Skills


The purpose of this research was to develop learning activities using a Team Based Learning model that promoted design thinking skills of students in the Bachelor of Education program Roi Et Rajabhat University and study the results of developing students' design thinking skills after learning activities. The participants in this study consisted of students enrolled in the Bachelor of Education program at Roi Et Rajabhat University. Specifically, the sample included first-year students who were taking the subject of Innovation and Digital Technology for Education during the second semester of the academic year 2022. The participants were selected using purposive sampling, with a total of 20 students chosen from the Biology course 1 group. The research utilized a design thinking skills test, lesson plan, and learner satisfaction questionnaires as instruments.

            The findings indicated that the Team Based Learning approach encompassed a total of seven sequential learning activities: 1) initial assessment, 2) identification of learning subject, 3) formation of cohesive group, 4) facilitate brainstorming sessions among team members, 5) develop team-based activities or projects, 6) assess individual knowledge through testing after completing assigned activities, 7) overview of evaluation findings. Upon evaluating the development of learners' design thinking capabilities following the learning process, it was seen that the learners exhibited a notable improvement in their design thinking abilities. Furthermore, 82 percent of the participants successfully met the assessment criteria. Upon analyzing individual skills, it was seen that the learners achieved the highest average score of 3.60 points, equivalent to 90%, in the skill labeled as "Test" at skill level 5.


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How to Cite

Khamkhum, T. (2023). Development of Learning Activities Using Team Based Learning Model to Encourage the Design Thinking Skills of Students in the Bachelor of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(3), 119–129. retrieved from



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