The Development of Communicative Abilities By Using Learning Management with Picture Exchange Communication System for a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder at Roi Et Provincial Special Education Center Students


  • Ascharapron Chaiyathum Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Phornchai Phardthaisong Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Communicative abilities, Autism, Picture exchange communication system


              The purpose of this research was to develop Commutative Abilities By Using Learning Management with Picture Exchange Communication System for a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder at Roi Et Provincial Special Education Center Students. The target group was Autism Spectrum Disorder students at Roi Et Provincial Special Education Center in the second semester for the academic year 2022. There were 3 males. By choosing Purposive Sampling a specific method. The instruments used in the research were 1) teaching plan for Individualized Education Program; Picture Exchange Communication                  2) test measurement. The classroom action research. The statistics used for data analysis is percentage, mean.

  The results showed that autistic student that were managed by the image exchange system after the 1st cycle of operation, it was found that; Students can follow the instructions to pick up the picture cards as specified. The average score from learning management was 12.25, representing 81.67%. After the second round of operation, it was found that the students could walk to pick up the picture card at a distance of 1 meter The average score from learning management was 11.50, representing 76.67%. Students can walk up to 2 meters to pick up a picture card. The average score from learning management was 10.58, representing 70.55%. Students could walk to pick up picture cards at a distance of 3 meters. The average score from learning management was 10.33, representing 68.88%. After the third cycle, it was found that the students were able to identify the pictures they liked. The average score from learning management was 9.91, representing 60.10%. The average score from learning management was 10.91, representing 72.76%. The student’s communication abilities scores from the learning management with Picture Exchange Communication System The average score from learning management was 42.33 representing 88.19%.


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How to Cite

Chaiyathum, A., & Phardthaisong, P. (2024). The Development of Communicative Abilities By Using Learning Management with Picture Exchange Communication System for a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder at Roi Et Provincial Special Education Center Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 18(2), 75–84. Retrieved from



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