Learning and Innovation Skill Development Guidelines for Pre-service Teachers in Social Studies Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


  • Attaya Merdthaisong Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Development guideline, Learning and innovation skills, Pre-service teacher


The objectives of this research were 1) to study learning and innovation skills, 2) to investigate levels of factors that affect the development of learning and innovation skills, and 3) the development guidelines of learning and innovation skills of pre-service teachers using a mixed-method study beginning with quantitative method, followed by qualitative method. Sample of quantitative group was 64 pre-service teachers in the field of social studies. The 30 informants of target groups with qualitative method who were purposively selected consisted of educational institution administrators, supervising teacher of pre-service teachers, and university supervisors. The quantitative research tools were a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire. Values of Index of Conformity (IOC) were 0.67– 1.00. The entire reliability value was 0.82. The quantitative was structured interviews used descriptive and content analysis. Statistics used in research included mean and standard deviation.

              The research findings indicated that 1) Overall average of students’ learning and innovation skills was at a high level in every aspect. 2) Overall average of factor levels towards a development of students’ learning and innovation skills was at a high level in every aspect. 3) Recommendations in the development guideline of learning and innovation skills consisted of 4 aspects: 1) Curriculum should promote academic activities, working skills, as well as morality and ethics. 2) Learning management should incorporate problem-based learning as a basis to create innovation in communities. 3) Assessment and evaluation should emphasize participation and use of modern innovations. 4) Learning environment in educational institution should create network of teacher education institutions for development planning of students' learning and innovation skills.


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How to Cite

Merdthaisong, A. (2024). Learning and Innovation Skill Development Guidelines for Pre-service Teachers in Social Studies Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 18(1), 77–88. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/269165



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