Problems and Guidelines for the Development of Teacher Professional Experience Training of 4th Year Mathematics Students, Roi Et Rajabhat University


  • Nusharin Mingolo Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Problem, Guidelines for the development, Teacher professional experience training


This research's purpose was to study the level of problems and guidelines for developing teacher professional experience training for mathematics students in their fourth year at Roi Et Rajabhat University. The study group was selected by purposive sampling of 62 students, 8 supervisors, and 62 mentors, totaling 132 people. The duration of the research was the first semester of 2022. The study instrument was a questionnaire divided into 3 parts: part 1 was the general information of the respondents; part 2 was the condition of teaching professional experience and part 3 was a guideline for the development of teacher professional training experiences regarding opinions and suggestions. The index of consistency (IOC) was between 0.60-1.00 and had Reliability 0.94. The statistics used in the research were frequency and percentage.

            The results of the research were as follows: 1) The problem-level of teacher professional training according to the opinions of the study group, were as follows: 1.1) The problem level according to the opinions of the students in overall was at moderate, the most problem was teaching preparation. 1.2) The problem level according to the university supervisors’ opinion in overall was at moderate, the most problem was classroom research. 1.3) The problem level according to the supervising teachers’ opinion in overall was at low, the most problem was teaching materials. 2) Guidelines for the development of teacher professional experience training in the terms of teaching preparation according to the opinions of students, should study the contents in advance for lesson planning more effectively. In the terms of research according to the university supervisors’ opinions, students should prepare classroom research before teaching professional internship, and should consult the university supervisors continuously. In the terms of teaching materials according to the supervising teachers’ opinions, students should study the content before teaching in order to prepare easy-to-understand teaching materials.


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How to Cite

Mingolo, N. (2024). Problems and Guidelines for the Development of Teacher Professional Experience Training of 4th Year Mathematics Students, Roi Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 18(1), 3–13. retrieved from



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