Motivational Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment of Employees of the Department of Provincial Administration in Northeast of Thailand


  • Vanich Chaisaeng Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Organizational commitment, Motivation factor, Department of provincial administration


              The objectives of this research were: 1) to compare the influence of personal factors on gender, age, education level, marital status, average monthly income, and length of work that affects the organizational commitment’s employees of the department of provincial administration in Northeast of Thailand; 2) to study the influence of motivation factors on organizational commitment’s employees of the department of provincial administration in Northeast of Thailand. This was quantitative research, which was collected data
by using questionnaire as a tool from 400 samples. The statistics used  were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and testing the hypothesis by t-test (independent sample, and one way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis.

              The research results were: 1) the personal factors were gender, age, educational level, average monthly income and length of work, there are different influences on organizational commitments; 2) The overall motivation factor had a positive influence on organizational commitment. When testing for each aspect of motivation factors including: the success at work in terms of advancement in work, responsibility at work acceptance aspect and the nature of work have a positive influence on organizational commitment with statistically significant level at 0.05, motivation factors were predicted by 87% of organizational commitment.


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How to Cite

Kaewrod, P., & Chaisaeng, V. . (2023). Motivational Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment of Employees of the Department of Provincial Administration in Northeast of Thailand. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(2), 188–199. retrieved from



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