Factors Related to Organic Agriculture Brand Equity and Purchase Intention of Organic Agriculture Product via Online Market: A Case of Consumers in Udonthani


  • Saichon Ruangdect Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Subchat Untacha Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Brand equity, Organic agriculture brand, Purchase intention


              The purposes of this research were (1) to compare the opinions of the organic brand equity of consumers with different demographic characteristics (2) to study the relation of marketing mix of organic agricultural product and organic brand equity (3) to study the influence of marketing mix of organic agricultural product on purchase intention of organic agriculture products in online market. This quantitative research collected the data by using questionnaires from 390 samples. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation, testing of hypothesis by Independent Sample t-test, One Way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis.

              The results showed that the different demographic factors including age, education level, occupation and average monthly income influence to the brand equity of organic agriculture products differently.
The marketing mix of organic agriculture products (4Ps) had a positive relation to organic brand equity. And the brand equity of organic agriculture products affected the purchase intention of organic agriculture products in online market. And the testing of each aspect found that organic brand equity in aspect of perceived quality, brand association and brand loyalty had a positive influence to purchase intention of organic agriculture products which brand equity in aspect of brand loyalty had the highest influence, followed by perceived quality and brand association.


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How to Cite

Ruangdect, S., & Untacha, S. (2023). Factors Related to Organic Agriculture Brand Equity and Purchase Intention of Organic Agriculture Product via Online Market: A Case of Consumers in Udonthani. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(2), 200–213. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/262401



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