Inclusive Education Administration of School under The Office of The Secondary Educational Service Area


  • Wicharn Jarukarn Silpakorn University
  • Vorakarn Suksodkiew Silpakorn University


Inclusive Education Administration, Inclusive Education, Education Administration


  The purposes of this research were to 1) examine the components of integrated learning management in schools under the supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, and
2) confirm the components of integrated learning management in schools under the supervision of
the Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The study sample comprised 95 schools affiliated
with the Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Each school was represented by four informants, including the school director, deputy director, academic administration representative, head of the learning group, and teachers responsible for overseeing the overall study. A collective of 380 individuals serving as informants The research instruments comprised two questionnaires, namely: 1) an opinion questionnaire and
2) a component confirmation questionnaire. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standards deviation, exploratory factor analysis, and content analysis. The results of
the study were as follows:1) the inclusive educational administration of schools under the supervision of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office consisted of four components: 1.1) administration,
1.2) organizational leadership, 1.3) teaching and learning administration, and 1.4) learning assistance,
and 2) The findings of the confirmation of the inclusive education management components of schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office and experts agree that the inclusive education management components of schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office are accurate, appropriate, feasible, and beneficial.


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How to Cite

Jarukarn, W., & Suksodkiew, V. (2023). Inclusive Education Administration of School under The Office of The Secondary Educational Service Area. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(2), 225–241. retrieved from



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