Encultural Process Textile Wisdom for Tourism Promotion of Ban Pa Bong Thai Yuan, Mae Khue Sub-District, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province


  • Chanistha Jaipeng Christian University of Thailand


Textile Wisdom, Tourism, Thai Yuan


              The primary aims of this study were to: 1) acquire knowledge regarding the textile wisdom of
the Thai Yuan of Ban Pa Bong; and 2) examine the process of transferring the textile wisdom of the Tai Yuan of Ban Pa Bong to promote tourism. This study was qualitative in nature. The research sample comprised
50 individuals, encompassing community leaders, community philosophers, and young individuals from Thai Yuan Ban Pa Bong. A semi-structured interview was employed as the research instrument for this study.
By conducting individual interviews and engaging in group discussions, the research team gathered data and insights from participants.

              The research found that 1) Tai Yuan weaving fabrics are woven fabrics that are the Tai Yuan people's intangible cultural heritage. It is regarded as a craft that displays the identity that identifies the ethnicity and origin inherited from ancestors. There are techniques of jok, pearl raising, spinning (combining lines), Koh Luang, and tying the kan (khad kan) that express the identity of the Thai Yuan people in various dimensions as well, 2) the practice of transmitting the textile knowledge of the Thai Yuan Ban Pa Bong community with the aim of promoting tourism involves the dissemination of wisdom to both children and adults.
This transmission process encompasses various methods such as oral narration, practical demonstrations, hands-on experience, utilization of media resources, learning from educational materials, participation in folk performances, and preservation through written documentation.


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How to Cite

Jaipeng, C. (2023). Encultural Process Textile Wisdom for Tourism Promotion of Ban Pa Bong Thai Yuan, Mae Khue Sub-District, Doi Saket District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(2), 119–130. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/261694



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