The Development of English Listening Skill of Grade 4 Students by the Theory of Communicative Language Teaching Approach


  • Parichat Noensanit Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Satjatham Phorntaweekul Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Poonsuk Chantasin Faculty of Liberal arts and Science, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Communicative language teaching, English language listening skill, Growth score


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop English language listening skill of grade 4 students according to the theory of communication language teaching approach with a passing score of 70 percent
or more and 2) to study the Gain Score of English listening skills of grade 4 students. Data were research design by using the Action Research Procedure comprising 3 spirals of action. The target groups used in
this research were 18 grade 4 students of Duangluthai Thaikamonwichalai school, Nong Phok district, Roi Et province, the first semester of the 2020 academic year, selected by purposive sampling. There were 2 kinds of research instrument including: 1) reflection tool which consisted of 10 lesson plans by the theory of communication language teaching approach and 30 item of English listening skills test and 2) reflection tool which consisted of a student studying behavior observation form and a student interview form. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research findings found that. 

            1) Testing English listening skills of grade 4 students by organizing learning activities according to the theory of communicative language teaching approach of in the first operating cycle found that the students made a mean score on English language listening skill of 64.44% and 7 of them, or 38.89% of the group, passed the passing criterion. In the second operating cycle, the students made a mean score on English language listening skill of 69.63 % and 10 of them, or 55.56% of the group, passed the passing criterion.
In the third operating cycle, the students made a mean score on English language listening skill of 82.59% and 18 of them, or 100% of the group, passed the passing criterion in the third operating cycle. Therefore,
the English listening skills test of students in round 3 passed the specified criteria which met the prescribed.
2) Students who received learning management according to the development scores in English listening skills for the first operating cycle and the second operating cycle had growth score among the students shown that 34.63% of them were at medium level. While the second operating cycle and the third operating cycle had growth score among the students 67.26% which was at a high level.


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How to Cite

Noensanit, P., Phorntaweekul , S. ., & Chantasin, P. (2023). The Development of English Listening Skill of Grade 4 Students by the Theory of Communicative Language Teaching Approach. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(3), 63–75. retrieved from



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