Development of Analytical Thinking Ability by Using Learning Activities Based on Constructivist Concepts for Grade 8 Students


  • Sirirat Kullachodthananon Student, Master of Education Program in Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Jitraporn Wongkhamjan Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Analytical thinking ability, Constructivism, Learning activities


              This research aimed to develop analytical thinking ability by using learning activities based on the concept of constructivism for Grade 8 students with an expected minimum average score of 70.00 % of the full score. The target group was 21 Grade 8 students of Bankanhaknonyai School (Sirigate Prachawit), Mueang Roi Et District, Roi Et Province. They were studying in the second semester of the academic year 2020. The research used 3 cycles of action research. The Research instrument were 7 lesson plans based a
on constructivist learning management plan. And the instruments used for data collection and analysis were
1) A multiple-choice analytical thinking ability test with 4 choices, and 84 items. and 2) A student learning reflection form. The quantitative data was analyzed through mean, percentage, and standard deviation whereas the qualitative data was analyzed through narrative content analysis.

              The research results of developing analytical thinking ability by using learning activities based on the concept of constructivism indicated that Grade 8 students had higher analytical thinking ability. After an intervention, 14 students (66.67%) showed an average test score of 26.24 from a full score of 36 points or 72.88% of the full score, which passed the criterion score of 70.00%


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How to Cite

Kullachodthananon, S., & Wongkhamjan, J. (2023). Development of Analytical Thinking Ability by Using Learning Activities Based on Constructivist Concepts for Grade 8 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(1), 114–124. retrieved from



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