The Development of English Speaking Skills Test for Students of Junior High School


  • Phatarakamol Nantana Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • Boonchom Sri sa-ard Mahasarakham University


The Development of English Speaking Skills Test, English Speaking Skills Test, English Speaking Skills


The purpose of this research were to develop and to determine a quality of English speaking skills test for 390 students of junior high school who were randomly selected by multi-stage random sampling. The instrument used to collect data included the researcher-constructed observation form for practical English speaking skills comprising 2 parts; description and discussion which concentrated in 5 areas; pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehensibility. We tested in the first to the third time in order to improve the instrument by discrimination reliability and Concurrent Validity. In the last test, we determined a quality of the instrument by discrimination, reliability, rater agreement index, and concurrent Validity. The analyses of the quality of English speaking skills test indicated that

1) the researcher-constructed observation form had the discrimination power ranging of the description from 0.85 to 0.91. The discrimination power ranging of the discussion from 0.82 to 0.88. 2) Parts description and discussion, the reliability of 0.95. 3) The rater agreement index of the description 0.97. The rater agreement index of the discussion 0.98. 4) The concurrent validity of the description by using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient 0.83. The concurrent validity of the discussion 0.81.


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How to Cite

Nantana, P., & Sri sa-ard, B. (2023). The Development of English Speaking Skills Test for Students of Junior High School. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(2), 35–47. retrieved from



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