The Development of Academic Leadership of Teachers by Using the Concept of Lesson Study and Active Learning


  • Watchara Panpum Director of Ban Ma-Ue School, Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


Academic leadership, Lesson study, Active learning


  The objectives of this research were 1) to develop academic leadership of teachers by using
the concept of lesson study and active learning, and 2) to develop the quality of students by using lesson study and active learning. Action research was employed to develop the academic leadership of teachers by applying the concept of lesson study through a plan, act, reflect, and write lesson plan by using the concept of active learning to apply for organizing learning activities for improving student quality. Samples were:
1) 21 teachers and educational personnel of Ban Ma-Ue School, Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the academic year 2021; and 2) 120 kindergarten students (level 2) to primary students of
Ban Ma-Ue School, Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the academic year 2021. The research instruments used for data collection were a test, interview form, observation form, and evaluation form. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test (Dependent).
The results found that 1) the academic leadership of teachers after applying the concept of lesson study
and active learning was higher than before with statistically significant at .05 level; 2) the quality of students after studying were higher than before with statistically significant at .05 level.


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How to Cite

Panpum, W. (2023). The Development of Academic Leadership of Teachers by Using the Concept of Lesson Study and Active Learning . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 17(1), 241–251. retrieved from



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