The Development of Inquiry (7E) Learning Activities with Science Games to Enhance Academic Achievement in Physics 2 Course for Grade 10 Students at Phonthongpattana Wittaya School


  • Phennipa Chainarong Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Jitraporn Wongkamjan Faculty of Education, Roi Et Rajabhat University


7E inquiry, Science games, Learning Achievement


              The objectives of this research were 1) to study the effectiveness of inquiry (7E) with science games learning management according to the criterion of 75/75 and 2) to compare the learning achievement between before and after using inquiry (7E) learning activities with science games. The samples consisted of 44 grade 10 students in Phonthongpattana Wittaya School, which obtained by purposive sampling technique. The research tools used in this study were 1) physics learning management plans using inquiry (7E) learning activities with science games for 6 plans and 12 hours. And 2) an achievement test on the topic
of Mechanical equilibrium, consisted of 40 items and classified into 35 items of multiple choices and 5 items of subjective test. The one group pre-test and post-test design was used as pre-experimental design.
Data were analyzed using basic statistics, and Wilcoxon signed rank test.

              The results showed that a learning management using inquiry (7E) learning activities with science games, mechanical equilibrium had an efficiency of 89.17/76.08 with higher than the establishment criterion. Moreover, the students had a statistically significant of higher posttest than pretest at .05 level.


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How to Cite

Chainarong , P., & Wongkamjan , J. (2022). The Development of Inquiry (7E) Learning Activities with Science Games to Enhance Academic Achievement in Physics 2 Course for Grade 10 Students at Phonthongpattana Wittaya School. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(2), 219–229. retrieved from



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