Study of Income Inequality in Thailand


  • Supitcha Chotikhamjorn Faculty of Management Science, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


Income, , Income Distribution, Inequality


              The purposes of this research were 1) to study the situation of income inequality in Thailand. And 2) to study the factors affecting income inequality in Thailand. The methodology focused on quantitative research and quantitative forecasting methods. The study samples were secondary data from Thailand household socio-economic survey (SES) 1998-2019 in National Statistical Office and Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council. This research applied the linear regression model to analyze data.

              The findings showed that the income inequality in Thailand had continued to decline. However, Thailand still had income inequality problems and there was an income gap between the rich and the poor. In addition, factors affecting income inequality depended on the per capita income. Reflect that the increased income was not allocated equally to all population groups. But the increase in government expenditure had reduced the income inequality.


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How to Cite

Chotikhamjorn, S. (2022). Study of Income Inequality in Thailand. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(2), 210–218. retrieved from



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