The Development of the Mathematics Teaching Model by using Constructionist Theory to Enhance the Ability in Problem Solving on Set Entitled for Grade 10 Students


  • Nootchanart Chotboon Teacher of Senior Professional Level, Buakhao School


Mathematics teaching model, Constructionist theory, The ability in problem solving


                   The purposes of this study were 1) to develop the mathematics teaching model by using constructionist theory to enhance the ability in problem solving on set entitled for grade 10 students, 2) to study the results of using the mathematics teaching model by using constructionist theory to enhance the ability
in problem solving on set entitled for grade 10 students, and 3) to study the students’ satisfaction to the mathematics teaching model by using constructionist theory to enhance the ability to solve the problem on set lesson for grade 10 students. The sample were 38 grade 10 student of room 4/5 at Buakhao school, Kuchinarai district, Kalasin province in semester 1 of 2019 academic year. The samples applied cluster random sampling. The tools in this study were 1) the mathematics teaching model, 2) the lesson plans,
3) the achievement test, 4) the test of problem solving and 5) the students’ satisfaction testing form.
The statistical analyses were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (dependent sample),
and applied content analysis. The research results were as follows:

  1. The mathematics teaching model by using constructionist theory to enhance the ability
    in problem solving on set entitled for grade 10 students that developed by the researcher was called “PCAPRE Model”. The 5 elements were consisted of principles, objectives, contents, the teaching processes, and the evaluation. There were 6 steps; 1) Preparation: (P), 2) Construction (C), 3) Action (A),
    4) Presentation (P), 5) Reflection (R), and 6) Evaluation: (E). The evaluation of the appropriate model was at the highest level with the efficiency (E1 /E2) of 80.13/81.32 which was higher than setting criterion of 75/75.
  2. The results experimentation aching model that developed by the researcher found that
    2.1) grade 10 students had higher learning achievement than before learning at the .05 level of significance.
    2.2) Grade 10 students had solve problems abilities higher than setting criterion 75 percent at the .05 level of significance. 2.3) The effectiveness index of the mathematics teaching model by using constructionist theory to enhance the ability in problem solving on set entitled for grade 10 students was 0.7197.
    It revealed that the students had an advancement score of learning increased with 71.97 percent.
  3. The students’ satisfaction to the mathematics teaching model by using constructionist theory to enhance the ability of problem solving on set entitled for grade 10 students in overall was highest level.


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How to Cite

Chotboon, N. (2022). The Development of the Mathematics Teaching Model by using Constructionist Theory to Enhance the Ability in Problem Solving on Set Entitled for Grade 10 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(3), 154–169. retrieved from



Research Articles