Mild Cognitive Impairment


  • Nisapon salangsing Faculty of Nursing, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • Trin Thipsut Faculty of Nursing, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • Kanlaya Munluan Faculty of Nursing, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
  • Punnathut Bonkhunthod Faculty of Nursing, Western Unjversity, Burirum Campus


Mild cognitive impairment, Memory, Dementia


Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a condition that exists between dementia and normal aging forgetfulness. It is caused by a decline in brain function as well as a decrease in nerve cells. This disease spreads from part of the brain to the frontal lobe, affecting the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. Eventually, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine was depleted. The spread of degeneration is gradual and consistent. Several years after neurons that functioned for remembering information were destroyed, the disorder could be defined.
The main symptoms of MCI were memory-related, which led to dementia. This will then have an impact on daily life activities. Medication and non-medication treatments were used to treat MCI. Because the majority of the drugs used side effects, they may aggravate the patient's symptoms. The researchers suggested non-medication treatments for this illness, such as memorizing, cognitive training, and activity therapy. These techniques are aided in the creation of balance in the brain and stimulates neuronal connections.
It has the potential to effectively reduce or prevent dementia in the elderly. According to the literature reviews, people with MCI are at a higher risk of developing dementia than the general population. The reviews covered the causes of the disease, the nature of the disease, the signs and symptoms, the factors, the effects, and the treatment. Therefore, this study presented the subject to elderly with MCI which are aimed at them who have a basic understanding of MCI and disease prevention in order to protect themselves correctly from dementia.


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How to Cite

salangsing, N., Thipsut, T., Munluan, K., & Bonkhunthod, P. (2022). Mild Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(3), 253–264. retrieved from



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