Effects of Story Maps on Reading Comprehension Skill Improvement of Thai EFL Sixth Graders
Reading Comprehension, Story Map, NarrativesAbstract
This present study aimed to investigate the effects of story maps on Thai EFL sixth graders’ reading comprehension skills and to examine the students’ attitudes toward the story map implementation into their reading comprehension skill improvement. The story maps were adopted as an instructional strategy intended to improve the students’ reading comprehension skills of narratives at a literal comprehension level. The participants were thirteen sixth grade students in an opportunity extension school in the Northeast of Thailand. The implementation of the story maps lasted for eight weeks.
The period for instruction in each week was two hours. The instruments for data collection were reading comprehension pre-test and post-test and a student attitude questionnaire. The findings of this study showed that there was a statistically significant difference at the 0.01 level in the students’ narrative reading comprehension skills before and after using the story maps. The students’attitudes towards
the implementation of the story maps were found at a high level with a mean score of 3.78.
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