Relationship between Shared Values for Excellence on Operational Efficiency of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in the Saket Nakorn Roi Et Province


  • Jaruwan Supachaiwat Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Suthasinee Wangkahat Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Prapada Sakorn Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Sunanvadee Palasak Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Duangdaw Phukrongchit Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Building shared values for excellence, Operational efficiency, Bank for agriculture and cooperatives


This research aimed to study the relationship between building shared values for excellence and the operational efficiency of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in Saket Nakorn Area Roi Et province by using a questionnaire as a tool in collecting data from personnel of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives Saket Nakorn area Roi Et province for 90 people. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The research results found that personnel of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives Saket Nakorn area Roi Et province agreed to have and building shared values for excellence in overall were at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.87). When consider each side were at the highest level in all aspects. The averages arranged in descending order of the first three as follows: building sustainability in terms of customers, networks, shareholders and environment (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.92), focus on promoting knowledge excellence (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.89), and the awareness of the duty of personnel responsibility (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.87). Moreover, samples agreed about the operational efficiency in overall were at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.82). When consider each side were at high levels in all aspects as follows: quality of work (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.85) and speed of work operation (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.79). Correlation and impact analysis found that building shared values for excellence, focusing on promoting knowledge excellence, enhancing learning together as a team, and the awareness of the duty of personnel responsibility had a positive relationship and impact on the operational efficiency in overall with statistically significant at the 0.05 level. For building shared values for excellence, building sustainability customers, networks, shareholders and the environment and enhancement of knowledge to innovation had no relationship on the operational efficiency as a whole.


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How to Cite

Supachaiwat, J., Wangkahat, S., Sakorn, P., Palasak, S., & Phukrongchit, D. (2021). Relationship between Shared Values for Excellence on Operational Efficiency of Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives in the Saket Nakorn Roi Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(2), 224–234. Retrieved from



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