The Development of MALAE Learning Model for Promoting English Reading Comprehension and Analytical Thinking Skills of Mattayomsuksa 5 Students


  • Laddawan Boonruang Senior Professional Teachers (K 3 Teachers) Buakhao School


Development of Learning Model, English Reading Comprehension, Analytical Thinking Skills


The purposes of this research aimed to: 1) develop the MALAE Learning Model for Promoting English reading comprehension and analytical thinking skills of Mattayomsuksa 5 students; 2) study an effectiveness of MALAE Learning Model. The procedure of this study included 4 phases. Phase 1- Studying and analyzing primary data, students’ opinions in order to form a basis for the development of the MALAE Learning Model. Phase 2 – Creating and develop the MALAE Learning Model according to the related documents on learning English comprehension and analytical thinking skills. Then the form of MALAE Learning Model was assessed by 5 experts. The data were analyzed by using mean and standard deviation. Phase 3 – Creating and develop the research instruments were the lesson plans for MALAE Learning Model, an English reading comprehension test, an analytical thinking test, and a student satisfaction assessment form. Phase 4 – Studying an effectiveness of MALAE Learning Model, the sample of the study consisted of 40 students at Mattayomsuksa 5/2 students enrolling in the class at Buakhao School, Kalasin Province, in the second semester of the academic year 2019. The sample was selected through a cluster random sampling method. The obtained data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and dependent t – test. The research findings were as follows: 1) The MALAE Learning was consists of principle theories and fundamental concepts, objective, contents, learning processes, measurement and evaluation and important conditions for success. This model consisted of 5 sequential steps which were 1) Motivating (M), 2) Analyzing (A), 3) Learning Together (L), 4) Applying Thinking Process (A) , and 5) Evaluating (E). The efficiency of the MALAE Learning Model met the criterion of 85.05/84.50 that was higher than the required criterion. 2) The effectiveness of the MALAE Learning Model shown that; 2.1) The students who had participated the MALAE Learning Model increased significantly their learning achievement of post-test of English reading comprehension higher than the pre-test at the .05 level. 2.2) The students who had participated the MALAE Learning Model increased significantly their analytical thinking abilities at the .05 level. And 2.3) the overall students’ satisfaction towards the MALAE Learning Model was at the highest level ( gif.latex?\bar{X}= 4.72, S.D. = 0.45)


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How to Cite

Boonruang, L. (2022). The Development of MALAE Learning Model for Promoting English Reading Comprehension and Analytical Thinking Skills of Mattayomsuksa 5 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(1), 198–212. retrieved from



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