Factors For Falls among Elderly : Ban Tha Muang Selaphum District Roi-Et Province


  • Kumaleeporn Treesorn Faculty of Nursing Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Satchawan Phuangsriken Faculty of Nursing Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Jumrusluk Charoensaen Faculty of Nursing Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Paphatchaya Kucharin Faculty of Nursing Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Atiya Posri Faculty of Nursing Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Kruawan Discharoen Faculty of Nursing Roi Et Rajabhat University


Elderly, Risk factors related for falls, Fall


This research had the objective to study the incidence of falls and risk factors related for falls in the elderly in Ban Tha Muang community, Moo 3, Tha Muang sub-district, Selaphum district, Roi Et province. Population were 112 elders. Samples were 83 elders by selective sampling. Research instrument was a questionnaire about general information and risk factors related for falls. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and chi-square test. The findings showed that most of the elderly were female total 51 people, accounted for 61.40%. Mostly, the age range were 60-69- and 70-79 years old total 31 people, accounted for 37.20% equally. The incidence of falls in one year found that 47 elders had fell, accounted for 56.60%. The most common cause of fall was slip and falls accounted for 61.70%. Risk factors related for falls among elderly were biological risk factors which found that urinary incontinence, vision and walking aids and mobility had a statistically significant relationship with falls (p-value < .05). Moreover, the symptoms of uneasiness, depression, and loneliness had a statistically significant relationship with falls (p-value = .01). Environmental risk factors found that there were children in the house, the bathroom was wet/slippery all the time had a statistically significant relationship with falls (p-value < .05). Furthermore, the sliding/pulling doors with pulling and closing and pets (dogs/cats) had a statistically significant relationship with falls (p-value = .01). However, economic and social risk factors and behavioral risk factors had no relationship with falls in the elderly. The research results should be used as the data information for planning for elderly care and apply for other villages in Tha Muang sub-district.


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How to Cite

Treesorn , K. . ., Phuangsriken , S. ., Charoensaen, J. . . ., Kucharin , P. ., Posri , A. . ., & Discharoen , K. . (2020). Factors For Falls among Elderly : Ban Tha Muang Selaphum District Roi-Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(3), 220–233. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/246923



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