A Study of Muay Thai Bagpipes Playing in Roi Et Province
Case study research, Performing Pi Muay Thai music, Muay ThaiAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the performance of Pi Muay Thai music performed by the Pi Muay Thai band in Roi Et Province by using qualitative research technique focusing on intrinsic case study: Case studies two Pi Muay Thai bands in Roi Et Province which was selected by purposive sampling technique. Data collection was employed in-depth interview and together with observation. Data was analyzed qualitatively by checking for consistency and organized and analyzed during collection as well.
The research results found that the performance of Muay Thai in Roi Et Province in each band was similar. Songs used in worshiping teachers included the song Sarama Thai; in round 1st, song Yon; round 2nd, Kak Chao Zen song; round 3rd, Khae Ahmad songs; round 4th, and Ched Chan Diaw in round 5th. In some cases, other songs are selected without any specificity depending upon the situations on stage. Both bands are relatives and inherited from the same teacher, thus making them very similar. The bands which have a lot of performance have been adjusting the playing to suit the era, and they perform in other events such as funeral, ordination, and so on. It has passed on to people in the family.
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