Participatory Solving the Problems of Alcohol Consumption in Lamphun Province


  • Puangpaga Suriwun The group work to improve the quality and service models, Lamphun Provincial Health Office
  • Punchaporn Srichanapun Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Lampang


Problem solving, Alcohol consumption, Participatory


The purposes of this research are to study the problems of alcohol consumption in Lamphun Province and participatory solving the problems of alcohol consumption in Lamphun Province by comparing before and after awareness knowledge. The methods of research included 2 processes as follows 1) The process of alcohol consumption behavior problem evaluation, a questionnaire was applied as a research instrument for data collection from 400 people in the ages of 15-65 years old who drink alcohol beverages in Lamphun Province. Data were analyzed by using percentage, means and T test. 2) The process of providing knowledge about alcohol consumption via community broadcas. After that questionnaires were implemented for data collection from the same groups of samples, analyzed by using T test and the results of before and after providing knowledge were compared. The results of the evaluation of the problems of drinking alcoholic beverages found that the problems in descending order were as follows: behavior of friends, culture, attitude, self-behavior, and behavior of family in drinking alcohol beverages. The perception of impacts on work or study, social, family, and health aspects. The results of providing knowledge about alcohol consumption via community broadcast showed that the problem of drinking alcohol beverages decreased in the following orders: culture, attitude, self-behavior, behavior of family, and friends with statistical significance at 0.01 level. The causal factors of alcohol consumption behavior and perception of impacts on health, family, and social aspects increased with statistical significance at 0.01 level. It can be concluded that the participatory action research method could solve their own problems and the community problems effectively.


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How to Cite

Suriwun, P., & Srichanapun , P. (2021). Participatory Solving the Problems of Alcohol Consumption in Lamphun Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(2), 213–223. Retrieved from



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