A development of learning activities using collaborative learning with think-pair-share technique to promote Mathematical problem-solving ability on Interest and Value of money of Matthayomsuksa 5 students


  • Theppabut Hanmontri Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • Montri Tongmoon Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University


Mathematical problem solving, Academic achievement, Learning Activity using Collaborative with Think-pair-share Technique


              The purposes of this research were 1) to develop of learning activities using collaborative learning with think-pair-share technique with required efficiency of 70/70, 2) to compare learning achievement between using collaborative learning with think-pair-share technique and the conventional approach, 3) to compare problem-solving ability between using collaborative learning with Think-pair-share technique a conventional approach. The research samples consisted of 75 Mathayomsuksa 5/6 and 5/12 students attending Roi-Et Wittayalai School. They were assigned into experimental and control groups with 39 and 36 students respectively. The instruments used in this study were: plans for organizing of learning activities by using collaborative learning with think-pair-share technique and the conventional approach, those assigned for 9 plans in each approach; 25-item achievement test; and 5 items of mathematical problem-solving ability test. The statistics used for analysis of the collected data were mean, percentage, standard deviation and testing hypothesis with independent sample t-test.

              The results of the study were as follows: 1) The plans for organizing the learning activities using collaborative learning with think-pair-share technique on Interest and money value had efficiency
of 77.95/72.31, which was higher than the criterion. 2) The students who learned by using collaborative learning with think-pair-share technique revealed higher learning achievement than those who learned
by using the conventional approach at the .01 level of significance. 3) The students who learned by using collaborative learning with think-pair-share technique revealed higher mathematical problem-solving ability than who learned by using the conventional approach at the .01 level of significance.


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How to Cite

Hanmontri, T., & Tongmoon, M. (2022). A development of learning activities using collaborative learning with think-pair-share technique to promote Mathematical problem-solving ability on Interest and Value of money of Matthayomsuksa 5 students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 16(1), 35–45. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/242925



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