Breathing Control Basic Skill Instructional Package for Saxophone


  • Thani Dutjada Assumption Ubonratchathani School
  • Sayam Chuangprakhon College of Music, Mahasarakhan University
  • Awirut Thotham College of Music, Mahasarakhan University


Instructional package, Breathing control basic skill, Saxophone


This research aimed: 1) to create a breathing control basic skill instructional package for saxophone on basis of 80/80 efficiency criteria; 2) to find the efficiency of breathing control basic skill instructional package for saxophone by comparing the academic achievement between before and after learning. Purposive Sampling was used in sample selecting from marching band students of Assumption College, Ubon Ratchathani Province in the 2nd semester, academic year 2562. Research instruments consisted of 1) the breathing control basic skill instructional package for saxophone and; 2) an achievement test. The results found that: 1) an efficiency of the breathing control basic skill instructional package for saxophone was at 83.47/82 which was higher than the 80/80 standard criteria; 2) an efficiency of breathing control basic skill instructional package for saxophone was at 0.6932, indicating that the students improved their skills at 69.32 percent.


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How to Cite

Dutjada, T., Chuangprakhon, S., & Thotham, A. (2021). Breathing Control Basic Skill Instructional Package for Saxophone. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(3), 106–113. retrieved from



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