The Study of Thai Tourist’s Opinions Toward Service Quality at Asiatique the Riverfront


  • Vanarat Boontum Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus
  • Naknalin Intanupat Faculty of Management Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Surin Campus,


Asiatique the Riverfront, Service Quality, Thai Tourist’s


The present study, which employed a quantitative research approach, aims to investigate the opinions of Thai visitors towards service quality of Asiatique the Riverfront and reccomendations for quality services influencing the service selection of visitors. The data were collected from 400 Thai visitors by accidental sampling at Asiatique the Riverfront through a questionnaire. The data were further analyzed using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean values, and standard deviation. The findings revealed that the majority of the participants were female, aged between 20–39, had a bachelor’s degree, work as employees in private companies and had an average monthly income of 10,001–20,000 baht. Opinions toward service quality, the findings also revealed that tangible service received the highest average score, followed by responsiveness, empathy, reliability and assurance, respectively. With regards to guidelines for developing the quality of this place, it showed that the traffic management and parking area in Asiatique should be priority concerned. Providing more litter areas, giving more sale on products, especially, food and beverage, and having the visible sign to guide the visitors are significant factors to promote Asiatique the Riverfront.


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How to Cite

Boontum, V., & Intanupat, N. (2021). The Study of Thai Tourist’s Opinions Toward Service Quality at Asiatique the Riverfront. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(3), 96–105. retrieved from



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