Travel Routes in The Trace of Northeastern Folk Literature: Hundred Stories in Yasothon


  • ฺีBuntharika Wanglomklang คณะการท่องเที่ยวและการโรงแรม มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม
  • Ochanya Buatham Faculty of Tourism and Hotel, Mahasarakham University


Travel Routes, Northeastern Folk Literature, Stories in Yasothon


The objectives of this research were to 1) studying the history, myths, culture and beliefs, 2) evaluate the potential and importance of tourist attractions related to Isan folk literature and 3) design travel routes in the trace of Northeastern Folk Literature: a hundred stories in Yasothon. The 2 sample groups were the qualitative samples that consisted of 18 representatives from government agencies, private sectors, and communities In the case study area by random sampling method, and the quantitative samples who were 400 Thai tourists from 8 travel routes in the trace of Northeastern Folk Literature by selecting 50 people in each place of the area, and using semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using content analysis and statistical techniques such as mean, percentage and standard deviation. The results showed that significance of cultural heritage and potential of tourist attractions at a high level in all aspects and map out the one-day travel routes in the traces of northeastern folk literature in Yasothon as follows: start at Phra That Anon, Ban Tha Sing Old Town Community, Yasothon City Pillar Shrine, Sri Thammamaram Temple, Phaya Khankhak Museum, Ban Song Yae Wooden Christian Church, Ban Si Than Khit Pillow Village, and finish at Phra That Kong Khao Noi that the government sectors and whom it concerns can apply this research results to map out the travel route in the trace of Northeastern Folklore and promote the cultural tourism in Yasothon Province due to increase of new generation tourists.


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How to Cite

Wanglomklang ฺ., & Buatham , O. (2021). Travel Routes in The Trace of Northeastern Folk Literature: Hundred Stories in Yasothon. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(2), 168–180. Retrieved from



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