Buddhist Ways Relating to Health Wisdom for Longevity of People in Thailand and Laos PDR


  • Wimala Phuthawan Program in Regional Development Strategy (Community Public Health), Surin Rajabhat University
  • Thongin Waidee Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Program, Surin Rajabhat University
  • Singha Juntriwong Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Program, Surin Rajabhat University
  • Usa Klompun Humanities and Social Sciences Program, Surin Rajabhat University


Buddhist Ways, Health, Health wisdom


This research aimed to : 1) study the health wisdom and in-deeply study in each case of Buddhists who have longevity and good health in Thailand and Lao PDR 2) in-deeply study in each case of Buddhist ways’ performance and Heet khong of monks in Thailand and Lao PDR 3) analyze the compositions of health wisdom of Buddhists, which related to longevity in Thailand and then propose the policy proposals for healthy promoting according to the Buddhist ways as “Self-reliance” in Northeastern region of Thailand. By using qualitative research methods, the areas of study consisted of Maha Sarakham, Nong Khai and Surin Province of Thailand and Savannakhet of Lao PDR. The data processing and analyzing consisted of 5 components. By using components to create a health promotion policy proposal using self-reliance practices in the northeast region of Thailand received 5 policy suggestions


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How to Cite

Phuthawan, W., Waidee, T., Juntriwong, S., & Klompun, U. (2021). Buddhist Ways Relating to Health Wisdom for Longevity of People in Thailand and Laos PDR. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(3), 64–71. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/240125



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