The Development 4MAT Learning Management Plan Integrated with the Polya Problem Solving Approach to Develop Problem Solving Skills in Mathematics


  • Gorrakod Glaprom Master Student, Program in Curriculum and Instruction, Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Parichart Prasertsang Lecturer in Curriculum and Instruction, Roi Et Rajabhat University


4 MAT learning management plan with Polya problem solving, Mathematics learning achievement, Mathematics problem solving skills


This research on development of 4MAT learning activities integrated with the Polya problem solving approach to develop problem solving skills in mathematics had objectives to 1) develop learning management plans using 4MAT learning activities integrated with the Polya problem solving concept, 2) develop a problem-solving skills test for Grade 8 students students and 3) develop a mathematic learning achievement test for Grade 8 students students. The target group used in this study were 5 experts included 1) two experts in curriculum and teaching, 2) two experts in mathematics teaching, and 3) one expert in Polya’s problem solving. Those target groups were obtained using the purposive sampling technique. Tools used in this research consisted of 1) 4 MAT learning management plans integrated with Polya problem solving 2) The mathematics learning achievement test 3) The mathematical problem-solving skill test. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation and index of congruence. The research found that 4 MAT learning management plans integrated with Polya problem solving concept total of 12 plans evaluated by experts were at a very good level ( = 4.52), the mathematics problem solving skills test and the mathematics learning achievement test showed the expert consistency index between 0.80-1.00, which passed the criteria and can be used in next experiments.


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How to Cite

Glaprom, G., & Prasertsang, P. (2021). The Development 4MAT Learning Management Plan Integrated with the Polya Problem Solving Approach to Develop Problem Solving Skills in Mathematics. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(2), 42–50. Retrieved from



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