Guideline for Development at Khwao Sinarin Silver Handicrafts Village to Support Cultural Tourism in Surin Province


  • Siriphan Phetpisessak Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University
  • Linjong Pocharee Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University


Guideline for development, Silver handicrafts, Cultural tourism


The purposes of this research were to study tourism resources, study the potential of cultural tourism of Khwao Sinarin Silverware Group and guide the way of development to support cultural tourism of Surin Province. 2 sample groups were 20 stakeholders and 400 Thai tourists. The research instruments were in-depth interview form, questionnaire and descriptive analysis. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The result of the research found that Tourism resources in the area of Khwao Sinarin handicraft group. The uniqueness of the community is the production process Including silk handicrafts, local food and desserts. The potential of cultural tourism found that the opinions were at high level. The aspect of the tourist attractions had the highest average opinion on the identity, culture, traditional way of life of the locality and there are silverware products for selling to tourists. The aspect of the accommodation, the most guests were government agencies. And the guidelines for the development of Khwao Sinarin Silver Handicraft group should begin with creating understanding to realize the importance of tourism occurring in the community. After that, creating public relations strategies for tourist attractions together with activity development and tourists can participate in activities. Meanwhile, the government need to contribute the budget and knowledge for preparing to support cultural tourism with an emphasis on the participation of all sectors in effective and sustainable management.


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How to Cite

Phetpisessak, S., & Pocharee, L. (2021). Guideline for Development at Khwao Sinarin Silver Handicrafts Village to Support Cultural Tourism in Surin Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(3), 72–84. retrieved from



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