Development Guidelines for Cultural Tourism Promotion : A Case Study of Ban Singha Tha Old Town, Mueang District, Yasothon Province


  • nareerat thongphuk Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University
  • Ochanya Buatham Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mahasarakham University


Homestay Potential, Community Participation, Ban Singha Tha Old Town


The purposes of this study were 1) to examine the local context and potential of the homestays in Ban Singha Tha old town, 2) to observe the local community participation in developing the potential of homestay and 3) to provide guidelines for homestay development in Ban Singha Tha old town in order to promote the cultural tourism of Mueang district, Yasothon province. This study was conducted in the manner of a mixed method research. A questionnaire was used to collect qualitative data with a sample group of 364 Thai tourists who came to visit Ban Singha Tha old town. Moreover, a semi-structured interview form was used for collecting qualitative data with a sample group of 15 participants from government organizations, private sectors, and local people. The statistics used for analyzing the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and SWOT analysis was employed for analyzing the qualitative data. The result of this research was divided into three aspects: Firstly, context and the potential of the homestays were managed in 10 aspects: 1) accommodation, 2) food and nutrition, 3) safety, 4) friendly hospitality, 5) tour programs, 6) natural resources and environment, 7) culture, 8) creating product value, 9) community management of the homestay group, and 10) public relations. In addition, homestays’ potential in Ban Singha Tha old town was generally rated at a high level. Secondly, the community participated in developing the potential of homestay in four areas: decision making, management, benefits, and evaluation. For guidelines to develop homestays of the Ban Singha Tha old town including the following: the business owners were required to improve and renovate their accommodations with sanitation and safety as well as they should be a friendly and nice host. The touring program should be updated and preserve the culture and environment. It was also necessary to improve the quality and create diversity of local products. These guidelines would allow the community to define their own direction for tourism development in the future.


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How to Cite

thongphuk, nareerat ., & Buatham, O. . (2020). Development Guidelines for Cultural Tourism Promotion : A Case Study of Ban Singha Tha Old Town, Mueang District, Yasothon Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(3), 149–159. retrieved from



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