Learning Process Management Model of the Courage to Teach Project


  • Sukhamit Komanee Faculty of Education, Burapha University


Learning process model, The courage to teach project, Transformative learning


Objectives of this research were 1) to study components on the learning process of the courage to teach project and 2) to design and develop a model of the learning process of the courage to teach project. The designing and developing of learning process management of the courage to teach project consisting of 4 steps as follows 1) data analysis, 2) data synthesis, 3) model creation and 4) evaluation of the model. The data sources used in the research were a group of qualified people and experts for in-depth interviews and evaluating the model and the courage to teach project. The tools used in the research were an interview form, a participating observation form and a model evaluation form. The research found that 1. There were 6 components of the learning process of the courage to teach project including 1) leaners, 2) facilitators, 3) contents, 4) learning activities, 5) medias/learning sources and 6) learning environment. 2. The model of the learning process of the courage to teach project had 8 components including 1) context of teachers’ roles, the context of learners, context on learning, 2) goals, 3) principles, 4) objectives, 5) inputs including factors influencing change on components of learning process and the courage to teach project, 6) the process were learning sets of teachers awakening themselves, teachers asking powerful questions, teachers designing the learning and empowering communities of courage teachers, 7) outputs including characteristics of brave teachers including design and creation of safe learning areas, self-reflection, self-acceptance and self-esteem, deep listening, empathy, non-violent communication and ability of asking powerful questions, and 8) reverse effects. 3. Evaluation results of the learning process model of the courage to teach project found that the overall at a high level. ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.50)


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How to Cite

Komanee, S. (2021). Learning Process Management Model of the Courage to Teach Project. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 15(1), 137–149. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/238311



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