Strategies for Creating Cooperative Networks for School Development under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • Valiga Akkharanit Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Chaiya Pawabutra Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Ploenpit Thumamarat Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


Strategies, Cooperative Networks, Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office


This research aimed to 1) study components of strategies for creating cooperative networks for school development under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office, and 2) develop and validate strategies for creating cooperative networks for school development under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office. The sample, obtained through multistage random sampling, were 140 school administrators under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office in the academic year 2016. The research instruments included interview forms, questionnaires and assessment forms. Data analysis was done by means of statistical software programs. The findings were as follows : 1) The components of strategies for creating cooperative networks for school development under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office consisted of: (1) Determination of network members, (2) Determination of objectives, (3) Participation in work performance, (4) Leadership skills, (5) Network coordination, (6) Monitoring and evaluation, (7) Organizational culture, (8) Local resources, (9) Educational policy, and (10) Technologies. 2) Strategies for creating cooperative networks for school development under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office consisted of Proactive Strategy (SO) comprising 17 development methods; Building Security Strategy (ST) comprising 7 development methods, and Strategies to Accelerate Development (WO) comprising 12 development methods. The assessment which was carried out revealed a high level of appropriateness, feasibility, accuracy, and utility.


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How to Cite

Akkharanit, V., Pawabutra, C. ., & Thumamarat , P. . (2020). Strategies for Creating Cooperative Networks for School Development under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(3), 72–80. Retrieved from



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