Developing Guidelines over Teacher Development on Authentic Assessment for Schools under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 24


  • Cherdkiat Kaewpung Mahasarakham University
  • Lakkana Sariwat Mahasarakham University


Teacher development guidelines, Evaluation of actual learning results, Authentic Assessment


Abstract The purposes of this study were to 1) study the current, desirable condition and the need for authentic assessment for schools 2) develop guidelines of authentic assessment for teachers. The sample was 365 school administrators and the head teacher of each departments or academic teachers under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 24 in the academic year 2019, selected by stratified random sampling. Tools of the study were 1) Questionnaire for current and desirable conditions for authentic assessment 2) interview form for teacher development guidelines in authentic assessment and 3) evaluation form of teacher development guidelines. The statistics teachers used were mean and standard deviation. The research results were as follows: 1) the current condition of authentic assessment to actual situation as a whole and in each aspect were at high levels. The overall desirable condition and each aspect was at the highest level 2) the need of developing teachers in authentic assessment in 3 aspects, the assessment methods, the evaluation criteria and the evaluation framework and guidelines for teachers were at high levels.


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How to Cite

Kaewpung, C., & Sariwat, L. (2020). Developing Guidelines over Teacher Development on Authentic Assessment for Schools under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 24. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(3), 64–71. retrieved from



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