The Study Ability Of Scientific Literacy Of Grade 10 Student In The Secondary Education Service Area 26 Mahasarakham Provine


  • Chaturapat Massopha Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • Montree Wongsaphan Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


The Secondary Education Service Area 26, Scientific Literacy , Grade 10 Student


This research aimed to study  ability of  scientific literacy of grade 10 student in the secondary education service   area 26 . The sample  grade 10 studen  in the secondary education service   area 26   in the first semester at the 2019  academic year from 4 school  total 100  students. They were selected by  Multistage Stage sampling. The instrument  which employed to collect data were the tests of scientific literacy. The data were analyzed by using average, standard deviation and F-test dependent. The finding were as follows    the Ability Of  Scientific Literacy of Grade 10 Student the level of scientific literacy not differentat the 0.05 significance. the percentage Mean of  2 classrooms was 42.30 percent. and. represented the  lower than standard level of OECD’s criterion.

Author Biography

Chaturapat Massopha, Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University

   M.Ed., Student  in Teaching of Science and Mathematics   Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


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How to Cite

Massopha, C. ., & Wongsaphan, M. . (2020). The Study Ability Of Scientific Literacy Of Grade 10 Student In The Secondary Education Service Area 26 Mahasarakham Provine. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(3), 168–176. retrieved from



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