Roles of Community in Domestic Violence Solutions: A Case Study of Nong Ruea District, Khon Kaen Province


  • Panupong Choorat College of Local Administration Khon Kaen University
  • Sirisak Laochankham College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University


domestic violence, community participation, violence solution


The purposes of this research were to describe causes and characteristics of domestic violence and to study roles of communities in solving domestic violence. To answer the research questions, data was collected from primary data informants in Ban Phue Subdistrict, Nong Ruea District, Khon Kaen Province. In-depth interviews were administered among key informants who got involved with solving domestic violence consisting of 2 local administration organization officer, 1 assistant village headman, 3 village health volunteers, and 2 villagers. A thematic analysis approach was used to analyze the data from the interview. The results showed that domestic violence in Ban Phue Subdistrict, Nong Ruea District, Khon Kaen Province was mainly caused by drinking alcohol and intoxicants, taking drugs, financial problems, and extramarital affairs. It was found that the community had roles in solving the domestic violence. A group of volunteers who were members of the community built a network to monitor the domestic violence in the community. Both the volunteers and the community leaders had a role to mediate the families that caused violence. The subdistrict municipality office played a role as the organizer of activities to educate people in the community and to solve domestic violence problems. The community agencies coordinated systematically to deal with the domestic violence. It was suggested from this research that the roles of the community generated participation in solving family violence problems, resulting in domestic violence problems to be well resolved.


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How to Cite

Choorat, P. ., & Laochankham, S. . (2020). Roles of Community in Domestic Violence Solutions: A Case Study of Nong Ruea District, Khon Kaen Province . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(2), 126–136. retrieved from



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