The Development of Early Childhood Children’s Problem Solving Ability through Learning Activity Package Based on STEAM Education


  • Pachuda Benchapich Faculty of Education, UbonRatchatani Rajabhat University
  • Pariya Pariput Faculty of Education, UbonRatchatani Rajabhat University


Problem Solving Ability, Early Childhood Children, STEAM Education


This research aimed to study and compare the problem-solving ability of the early childhood children learning through the activity package based on the concept of the STEAM Education. The samples were 3-4-year-old children studying in the first semester of the academic year 2019 of the Child Development Center under the Local Administrative Organizations in Nakham Sub-District, Si Mueang Mai District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. They were 40 samples in the cluster random sampling. The instruments were 12 learning activity packages based on the STEAM Education with 12 hours learning. The 5 aspects rubric assessment was used to observe behavior, problem solving ability. The data was analyzed by using basic statistics such as mean and percentage. The results showed that the problem solving ability of the early childhood children learned by the activity package based on the concept of the STEAM Education at a high level with an average score of 81.06 and a higher ability to solve problems.


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How to Cite

Benchapich, P., & Pariput, P. . (2020). The Development of Early Childhood Children’s Problem Solving Ability through Learning Activity Package Based on STEAM Education. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(2), 87–95. retrieved from



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