Factors Affecting Purchasing Decision for Melon in Roi - Et Province


  • รัชนิดา ไสยรส Lecturer Special of Political Science and Public Administration ,Master of Public Administration (Public and Private Management) Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


factors, purchasing decision, melon


This research aimed to 1) study factors affecting purchasing decision for melon, 2) study level of purchasing decision for melon and 3) study relationship between factors affecting purchasing and purchasing decision for melon in Roi-Et province. Samples were 342 customers who purchased melons from KANIKA farm, distributing shop at BANSUAN restaurant and Roi-Et Robinson department store. The instrument used to collect data for this study was a questionnaire. Statistics applied for data analysis were frequency, mean, percentage and standard deviation. The hypothesis was analyzed by Pearson-moment correlation, and multiple linear regression analysis (Enter method). The results were as follows; 1) The level of factors affecting purchasing decision for melon in Roi-Et province, as a whole was at the highest level. And, when investigating each aspect, there were 7 factors affecting the level of purchasing decision in the area of study in descending order of the degree as follows: packaging, merchandise house brand, product quality, prices, services, places or channels of distribution, and the physical characteristics of the products. But, only product promotion aspect was at a high level. 2) The level of purchasing decision for melon in Roi-Et province, as a whole was at the high level. When investigating each aspect, there was solely post- purchase behavior factor rated at the highest. There were 4 aspects at a high level in descending order of the degree as follows: information searching, desire to purchase awareness, alternative evaluation and purchase decision. 3) The relationship between factors affecting purchasing decision for melon in Roi-Et province, as a whole was at a medium level (.534). 4) All factors could explain factors affecting purchasing decision for melon in the area of study with statistically calculated and revealed at 42.50 percent with R2 = .425, Adjusted R2 = .411 and the value of F = 30.730 with the statistical significance level at .05 5) Recommendations were as follows; should have attractive packaging of the products, should have lower price of products and should have clean and convenient stores.


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How to Cite

ไสยรส ร. (2019). Factors Affecting Purchasing Decision for Melon in Roi - Et Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(2), 75–86. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reru/article/view/213063



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