The Effects of Using Mathematics Projects and Desirable Mathematical Characteristics of Third-Year Students Majoring in Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Roi-Et Rajabhat University


  • วิภา ชัยสวัสดิ์ 1Lecturer in Mathematics Faculty of Education, Roi-Et Rajabhat University


Mathematics Project, Project Based Learning, Desirable Mathematical Characteristics


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the results of the instruction by Mathematics Projects of the Third-Year Students majoring in Mathematics; and 2) to study the desirable Mathematical characteristics of students learning through the Project Based Learning. The subjects of the study were 128 students majoring in Mathematics at Roi Et Rajabhat University, semester 1/2016 selected by the purposive sampling method. The research tools were: 1) the Course Description of Mathematics Projects; 2) Guidelines for thinking Project Based Learning; 3) Mathematics project assessment form; and 4) desirable mathematical characteristics assessment form. The statistical methods used for the data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results were as follows. 1. The total number of 15 mathematics projects were developed by the students; 3 projects were very good projects and 12 projects were good. 2. The results of the evaluation of the desirable mathematical characteristics of students who have been taught through the project based learning management were very good.


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How to Cite

ชัยสวัสดิ์ ว. (2019). The Effects of Using Mathematics Projects and Desirable Mathematical Characteristics of Third-Year Students Majoring in Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Roi-Et Rajabhat University. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(2), 87–96. retrieved from



Research Articles