The Development of a Program to Develop Teachers’ Learning Management Regarding Sufficiency Economy Integration in the Department of Social Studies, Religion and Culture for Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 25


  • ภรณ์ทิพย์ ชูไตรรัตน์ M.Ed. Condidate in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • เผชิญ กิจระการ Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


Teacher Development Programs, Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, Teacher Development Methods


The purposes of this research aimed at: 1) studying the factors and the learning indicator of learning management integratedinto the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy; 2) studying the current circumstance and the satisfactory characteristics to develop teachers’ learning management integrated into the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy; and 3) developing the teacher development programs for learning management integrated into the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. The research was divided into three phases: the first phase was to study the factors; the second phase was to study the current circumstances and the satisfactory characteristics and the third phase was to develop the teachers’ program. The subjects were 212 administrators and teachers in the Department of Social Studies, Religion and Culture and they were sampled by the Simple Random Sampling. They all worked under the Secondary Educational Service 25. The tools used in the research were: the factor assessment, the indicators, the questionnaire of current circumstances and satisfactory characteristics including the suitability assessment and the possibility of the program. The statistical tools comprised Index of Item – Objective Congruence (IOC), frequency, percentage, standard deviation and hierarchy of needs. The research result found that: 1) there were five factors of learning management integrated into the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy which included: 1) the setting of the objectives; 2) lesson planning; 3) the setting of the content; 4) teaching management; and 5) learning assessment 2) an overall picture of the current circumstances integrated into the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy for overview image was at a high level and that of the satisfactory characteristics was at the highest level with three methods of teachers’ program as follows: 1) educational workshops; 2) additional educational training courses; and 3) mentoring. 3) an overall development of teachers’ program in learning management integrated into the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy and suitability of program was at the highest level, and the possibility of program was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

ชูไตรรัตน์ ภ., & กิจระการ เ. (2019). The Development of a Program to Develop Teachers’ Learning Management Regarding Sufficiency Economy Integration in the Department of Social Studies, Religion and Culture for Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 25. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(2), 97–105. retrieved from



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