Developing the Abilities in Reading for Main Ideas and Summary Writing of Prathomsuksa 4 Students by Using Learning Activities SQ4R


  • Jeeraporn Khummanee Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University
  • Montree Wongsaphan Faculty of Education, Mahasarakham University


Reading for Main Idea, Summary Writing, SQ4R Learning Activity Model


The objectives of this research were to develop the abilities in reading for main ideas and summary writing, and to compare the abilities in reading for main ideas and summary writing before and after teaching by SQ4R, The target group used in this study consisted of 23 people in Prathomsuksa 4 students of Ban Beng Thalat School, using the purposive sampling technique. The instrument in practice was 12 lesson plans, and the instrument in reflection was. Reading Comprehension test and Summery Writing test. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation and percentage. The results are as follows 1. The abilities in Reading for Main Ideas and Summary Writing using SQ4R learning activities., Assessment criteria for each cycle was at 80 percent. The students improved their reading for main ideas and summary writing. The first cycle, the scores of 6 students in Reading for main idea test were higher than 80 percent, and 17 students were required to improve their reading comprehension skills while the scores of 8 students in Summary Writing test were higher than 80 percent and 15 students were required to improved their summary writing skills. In the reading comprehension test and summary writing test of other cycles; the second cycle, 8 and 9 students, the third cycle 14 and 13 students, and the fourth cycle 18 and 19 students, respectively, those their scores were at higher than 80 percent. According to learning activities in the second, third and fourth cycle, the students’ abilities in reading for main ideas and summary were improved. The students, understandingly and responsively, could learn and practice reading for main ideas and writing the summary and also apply knowledge in other situations. 2. The results of comparison of abilities in reading for main idea and summary writing before and after teaching by SQ4R found that after teaching by SQ4R, the students had the abilities in reading for main idea and summary writing (× ̅ =16.43, S.D. =1.24) significantly higher than before teaching (× ̅ =11.35, S.D. =3.08) by SQ4R at .01 level.


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How to Cite

Khummanee, J., & Wongsaphan, M. . (2020). Developing the Abilities in Reading for Main Ideas and Summary Writing of Prathomsuksa 4 Students by Using Learning Activities SQ4R . Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(2), 13–23. retrieved from



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