Academic Administration in Experience Enhancement Activities based on Montessori Concepts of Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province


  • พัทธนันท์ ปาเป็ง มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเชียงใหม่
  • ประวัติ พื้นผาสุข Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • ศิริมาศ โกศัลย์พิพัฒน์ Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


academic administration, experience enhancement activities, Montessori concepts


The purpose of this research was to: 1) study the academic administration status in the activities to enhance experiences based on Montessori concept of early childhood schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province by using PDCA 2 process ) Develop an academic administration manual for activities that enhance the experience based on Montessori concepts of early childhood schools under the office Using the PDCA process. The target population used in this study is school administrators. Primary teachers Parents of early childhood students in the number of 90 people. The tools used in the research are the questionnaire, summary form, group meeting (Work Shop), suitability assessment and feasibility of the manual. And an academic administration manual on activities that enhance the experience based on Montessori concepts Analyze data by analyzing and synthesizing content The research found that State of academic administration in activities to enhance experiences based on Montessori concepts of early childhood schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province Academic administration is conducted according to the PDCA cycle, which covers academic work in curriculum development at the early childhood level of 2017in terms of learning experience. In the development of instructional media Development assessment With the highest level of operation But still lacking cooperation from all parties in a systematic way, making academic administration in some schools not achieving the goal as expected Therefore, the group meeting to find the results of the development of the academic administration manual according to Montessori concept is carried out according to the PDCA cycle and the rules are clearly defined. For use in the administration of academic administration at the early childhood level of schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province


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How to Cite

ปาเป็ง พ., พื้นผาสุข ป., & โกศัลย์พิพัฒน์ ศ. (2019). Academic Administration in Experience Enhancement Activities based on Montessori Concepts of Schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(3), 104–114. retrieved from



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